Spanning Tree Port Types in NXOS Switch

The spanning tree port type designation depends on the device the port is connected to, as follows:

  • Edge: Edge ports are connected to Layer 2 hosts and are access ports.
  • Network: Network ports are connected only to Layer 2 switches or bridges and can be either access or trunk ports.
  • Normal: Normal ports are neither edge ports nor network ports; they are normal spanning tree ports. These ports can be connected to any device.

You can configure the port type either globally or per interface. By default, the spanning tree port type is normal.

Global level configuration

Type Edge:

✅ Edge ports immediately transition to the forwarding state without passing through the blocking or learning state at linkup. Configures all access ports connected to Layer 2 hosts as edge ports:

switch# config t
switch(config)# spanning-tree port type edge defaultCode language: PHP (php)

Type Network:

✅ Configures all interfaces connected to Layer 2 switches and bridges as spanning tree network ports. If you enable Bridge Assurance, it automatically runs on network ports.

switch# config t
switch(config)# spanning-tree port type network defaultCode language: PHP (php)

Interface level configuration

You can configure spanning tree edge/Network/normal ports on specified interfaces.

– Interfaces configured as spanning tree edge ports immediately transition to the forwarding state, without passing through the blocking or learning states, on linkup.

– Bridge Assurance runs only on spanning tree network ports.

This command has four states:

  • spanning-tree port type edge: This command explicitly enables edge behavior on the access port.
  • spanning-tree port type edge trunk: This command explicitly enables edge behavior on the trunk port.
  • spanning-tree port type network: This command explicitly configures the port as a network port. If you enable Bridge Assurance globally, it automatically runs on a spanning tree network port.
  • spanning-tree port type normal: This command explicitly configures the port as a normal spanning tree port and the immediate transition to the forwarding state is not enabled.
switch# config t
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/10
switch(config-if)#spanning-tree port type edgeCode language: PHP (php)



Bilel Ameur

Enthusiastic Network Engineer specializing in Cisco ACI, passionate about solving challenges. A lifelong learner who loves gaining and sharing knowledge. Profile:
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