Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switch Upgrade [Bundle Mode]
For Catalyst 9000 switches upgrade, the Bundle mode is a straightforward way.
The following steps are valid for these Catalyst switch models According to Cisco documentation.
Step 1: Download the Catalyst 9K IOS-XE image from Cisco Site.
Step 2 : Add the image to bootflash:
Switch#copy usbflash0:/cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin bootflash:/
Step 3: Check the actual boot variable on the switch:
Switch#show boot
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.11.01.SPA.bin;
Configuration Register is 0x102
MANUAL_BOOT variable = no
BAUD variable = 9600
Step 4: Set the target boot Variable:
The next time you reload, the switch boots into 16.12.01 rather than 16.11.01
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#no boot sys
Switch(config)#boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin
Step 5: Verify the boot Variable:
Switch#show run | inc boot system
boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin
Switch#show boot
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin; <---
Configuration Register is 0x102
MANUAL_BOOT variable = no
BAUD variable = 9600
Then reload the switch. It will take a moment to boot.
When it’s up verify the version:
Switch#show version