Top 9 JavaScript JS Online Courses, Training in 2022

Top 9 JavaScript JS Online Courses, Training in 2022

Are you interested in learning JavaScript JS? Well, this is the right place for you, where you will find the best high-quality training and courses for JavaScript JS.

Our experts have reviewed a lot of courses and classes in order to pick this list of the Best JavaScript JS Online Training, Courses for 2022. These resources are great to enhance your JavaScript JS knowledge and skills and potentially earn a certification to boost your resume.

How We Pick the Best JavaScript JS Online Courses.

We explored the top tier Online training and courses platforms like Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, Pluralsight, Udacity, and more to find out which:

* Courses are the most comprehensive.

* Courses and classes that are getting the most positive reviews and ratings.

* Courses that have the largest number of students.

We Also checked the course instructor’s experiences and reviews, course duration, and other criteria. Then, after careful examination, we came up with this top list of JavaScript JS courses online.

The following best online courses and trainings will help you to learn JavaScript JS from the best instructors in the field, this can be clearly seen from the student’s reviews.

The list contains both free and paid best JavaScript JS courses. some of them will provide you a completion certificate, which can be published on your LinkedIn profile and on your resume.

1- The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert!

Author: Jonas Schmedtmann

Description: Everyone can take the modern Javascript course. Master Javascript with projects and challenges. There are many courses in one. The top selling Javascript course on Udemy. It has been updated for the latest features. Really, really well made course. Great challenges and projects will help solidify your understanding of Javascript. The lectures were well paced and didn’t skip over anything that might be useful to a developer.


Platform: Udemy
Language: English
Duration: 69 h 0m


2- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

Author: Anthony Alicea

Description: Everyone can take an advanced Javascript course. You can build your own framework with Scope, closures, prototypes, and more. Javascript is the language that modern developers need to know. Knowing Javascript will allow you to build quality web and server applications. The next version of Javascript is included in this course.
In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Javascript, learn how it works under the hood, and how that knowledge will help you avoid common pitfalls. The parts that others may find weird, odd, and incomprehensible will be clear to you. The beauty and deceptive power of this language is at the forefront of modern software development.


Platform: Udemy
Language: English
Duration: 12 h 13m


3- Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

Author: Brad Traversy

Description: There are no frameworks or libraries to build projects with. This is a course for everyone. We start with the basics and work our way to advanced programming without relying on frameworks or libraries. Whether you are a beginner or an established developer, you will learn a lot. There is something for everyone.


Platform: Udemy
Language: English
Duration: 21 h 42m


4- JavaScript Basics for Beginners

Author: Mosh Hamedani

Description: Master the Fundamentals in 6 Hours. JAVASCRIPT, what is it?
Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Javascript can be used to build web and mobile apps, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games. .


Platform: Udemy
Language: English
Duration: 6 h 38m


5- JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2022 (Beginner + Advanced)

Author: Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Description: All the way up to the expert level. There is a must-have Javascript resource in 2022. You can join the most comprehensive and in-depth Javascript course on Udemy and learn from the ground up. The most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer is Javascript, and with this course, you make sure that you don’t miss a single thing.
The most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript is based on my knowledge and teaching experience. It’s both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course.


Platform: Udemy
Language: English
Duration: 52 h 37m


6- Learning the JavaScript Language

Author: Joe Chellman

Description: Before you use javascript to create dynamic websites, you need to understand how it works.
The Javascript language is explored in this course. He shows how to speak Javascript by gaining an understanding of variables, types, objects, array, operators, control structures, loops, and functions, through a series of hands-on examples that put these ideas into action. After completing this course, most developers will know how to use Javascript to build powerful and complex functions on the web.


Platform: Linkedin
Language: English
Duration: 2h 53m


7- Building a JavaScript Development Environment

Author: Cory House

Description: There is a building a javascript development environment. In this course, you will learn how to build your own JavaScript development using modern tooling. Learning about major topics like transpiling, bundling, testing, and npm script for automation will help you get there.


Platform: Pluralsight
Language: English
Duration: 4h 54m


8- JavaScript for Beginners Specialization

Author: William Mead

Description: The learner with no previous programming experience is the intended audience for this Specialization. Javascript is the first programming language you will need to learn and this Specialization will help you practice and build your skills through a gentle progression of modules and courses.


Platform: Coursera
Language: English
Duration: Approximately 4 months to complete


9- JavaScript Security Specialization

Author: Vladimir de Turckheim

Description: We will learn how to build safer JavaScript applications in this Specialization. Javascript is a fundamental technology for building web applications and is also popular for building server-side, desktop, and even mobile applications. Front-end Javascript will be covered most of the time, but we will also consider Node.js. You will understand the threats and protections of the JavaScript world after completing this Specialization.


Platform: Coursera
Language: English
Duration: Approximately 3 months to complete



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