Concatenate Text to variable in Python
Combine Variable Strings to text:
It’s quite easy to concatenate strings in Python, just add the “+” sign between the string variable.
x = "Python is "
y = "cool"
print(x + y)
or directly between Text and the string variable.
x = "cool"
print("Python is " + x)
#Python is cool
Concatenate Variable with “%” Operator , “%s” in Python:
y='from the other side'
print("%s %s"%(x,y))
#Hello From the other side
Concatenate String to integer in Python:
When you combine string variables with integer or other types, an error will be raised:
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “int”) to str
x = 5
y = "Alexa"
print(x + y)
to overcome this error, you can convert the integer type to string type:
x = str(5)
y = "Alexa"
print(x + y)