Fiber Channel SPAN configuration
FC SPAN configuration:
Destination interface:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 2/4
switch(config-if)# switchport mode SD
switch(config-if)# switchport speed 1000
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# monitor session 2
switch(config-monitor)# destination interface fc 2/4
You can configure the source ports for a SPAN session. The source ports can be Fibre Channel, or virtual Fibre Channel ports, san port-channel or VSAN (which include all ports in that VSAN).
Source interface:
switch(config-monitor)# source interface fc 2/1 both
switch(config-monitor)# source interface vfc 129 tx
switch(config-monitor)# source interface san-port-channel 3 rx
switch(config-monitor)# source vsan 1