ACI Packet Forwarding on EX Hardware [Notes]

This document consists of some notes about ACI Packet forwarding from the Cisco document by Joseph Ristaino.

I- Two Endpoints in the same EPG – Switched traffic

  • check endpoints via:
show mac address-table | grep <mac_address>

This command will show the learned endpoint and their PI VLAN.

  • To verify the encapsulation VLAN:
show endpoint mac 0050.56a5.fccc
show vlan extended
  • To check directly on Hardware:
leaf4# vsh_lc
module-1# show system internal eltmc info vlan 30

30 is the PIVLAN in this example.

  • Validate that hardware programmed the L2 information of the Endpoints via HAL:

 HAL’s ((Hardware Abstraction Layer) job is to take software programming requests and push them to hardware.

leaf4# vsh_lc
module-1# show platform internal hal ep l2 mac 0050.56a5.fccc

  • Verify traffic forwarding via ELAM:

With ELAM we can check an index called: ovector_idx.  This index is the physical port index that the frame/packet should be forwarded out of.

Once you have the ovector_idx, we can use this command to find what port it maps to:

module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# show platform internal hal l2 port gpd 
LEAF_4# vsh_lc
module-1# debug platform internal tah elam asic 0
module-1(DBG-elam)# trigger reset
module-1(DBG-elam)# trigger init in-select 6 out-select 0
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# set outer l2 src_mac 0050.56a5.fccc dst_mac 0050.56a5.6794
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# start

module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# stat
Asic 0 Slice 0 Status Triggered
Asic 0 Slice 1 Status Armed

module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# report | grep ovec
  sug_elam_out_sidebnd_no_spare_vec.ovector_idx: 0xB8
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# show platform internal hal l2 port gpd | grep b8
------ Eth1/49     ---

II- Two Endpoints in different EPG/Same Leaf – Routed Packet

  • Check the Endpoints in the Endpoint table:
leaf4# show endpoint ip
leaf4# show endpoint ip

  • Look at the EP learning info in hardware (via HAL):
leaf4# vsh_lc
module-1# show platform internal hal ep l3 all
                                                                   B E   I S D S D D   V   EP-NH        N  |                                                                              
Vrf              EP                              S     Age   S S L N N B D P P P P S I U S L3           H  | BD        EP                L3           L2          FD                      
Name          T  IP                              Class Intvl T E D D D E L I I A A S L B O IfName       T  | Name      Mac               IfName       Ifname      Name      IP            

Joey-T*ternal Pl                    800a  0     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -            L2   BD-28     00:50:56:a5:fc:cc -            Po3         FD-30     -             
Joey-T*ternal Pl                    800c  0     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -            L2   BD-7      00:50:56:a5:0c:11 -            Po4         FD-8      -             

  • Traffic Capture via ELAM:
leaf4# vsh_lc
module-1# debug platform internal tah elam asic 0
module-1(DBG-TAH-elam)# trigger init in-select 6 out-select 0
module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# set outer ipv4 src_ip dst_ip
module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# start
module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# stat

Asic 0 Slice 0 Status Armed
Asic 0 Slice 1 Status Armed

module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# stat
Asic 0 Slice 0 Status Armed
Asic 0 Slice 1 Status Triggered

III- Two Endpoints in different EPG/Different Leaf – Routed Packet

  • Verify Endpoints learning:

we can see in this example that on Leaf-4, was locally learned on Po4 and remotely learned on Tunnel2.

leaf4# vsh_lc
module-1# show platform internal hal ep l3 all
                                                                 B E   I S D S D D   V   EP-NH        N  |                                                                              
Vrf              EP                              S     Age   S S L N N B D P P P P S I U S L3           H  | BD        EP                L3           L2          FD                      
Name          T  IP                              Class Intvl T E D D D E L I I A A S L B O IfName       T  | Name      Mac               IfName       Ifname      Name      IP            

Joey-T*ternal Xr                   8013  128   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -            L3   -         00:0c:0c:0c:0c:0c Tunnel2      Tunnel2     -       
Joey-T*ternal Pl                    800a  0     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -            L2   BD-28     00:50:56:a5:fc:cc -            Po3         FD-30     -             

  • Verify Tunnel2
module-1# show system internal eltmc info interface tunnel2
           interface:        Tunnel2   :::         ifindex:      402718722
                 iod:             66   :::           state:             up
                 Mod:              0   :::            Port:              0
        Tunnel Index:              0   :::   Tunnel Dst ip:     0xc0a87843
        Tunnel Encap:         ivxlan   ::: Tunnel VPC Peer:              0
   Tunnel Dst ip str:   :::      Tunnel ept:            0x1

In the example, The destination exists off of a vPC, and that Destination IP should be the vPC Virtual IP of the remote leafs.  Let’s check on a remote leaf and see:

leaf1# show system internal epm vpc 

Local TEP IP                  :
Peer TEP IP                   :
vPC configured                : Yes
vPC VIP                       :
MCT link status               : Up
Local vPC version bitmap      : 0x7
Peer vPC version bitmap       : 0x7
Negotiated vPC version        : 3
Peer advertisement received   : Yes
Tunnel to vPC peer            : Up

When we check the ovector_idx in the ELAM report, we will see that the outgoing port is eth1/49 (interface to Spine), since, this traffic is from EPGs on different Leaf switches.

we will verify that Eth1/49 is used for Tunnel2 Encap:

module-1(DBG-TAH-elam-insel6)# show platform internal hal tunnel rtep pi
                                                                    I                   N N          |                                                                                          
                      E             Vrf                        Hw   V I P P P I I C   U B B      NH  |        Vrf                                          L3       L3           L2       L2    
IfId     Ifname       T Lid  VrfId  Name         IP            Enc  P L 4 6 M I C OBd D T Id     Cnt | VrfId  Name         IP            Mac               IfId     IfName       IfId     IfName
18010002 Tunnel2      I 3005 2      overlay-1    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   0 E 2      2     2      overlay-1       0d:0d:0d:0d:0d:00 1a030001 Eth1/49.1    1a030000 Eth1/49

* This output gives us a few values we care about:

  • IfId:  The interface ID allocated to the tunnel
  • IP: The IP of the destination.  This should match ELTMC.
  • L3 IfId: The layer 3 interface(s) the switch can use to forward to the appropriate destination.

Bilel Ameur

Enthusiastic Network Engineer specializing in Cisco ACI, passionate about solving challenges. A lifelong learner who loves gaining and sharing knowledge. Profile:
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