Q in Q Dot1Q Tunnel Configuration in ACI

I- Access Policies configuration
We will configure the Interface eth1/17 to be an EDGE port of Dot1Q Tunnel, the initial status for the interface is illustrated below:
We see “Port mode is trunk”:
leaf1# show interface ethernet 1/17
Ethernet1/17 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Port description is leaf101_descr
Hardware: 100/1000/10000/25000/auto Ethernet, address: a03d.6f2e.2f1f (bia a03d.6f2e.2f1f)
MTU 9000 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 1 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, medium is broadcast
Port mode is trunk
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s, media type is 10G
FEC (forward-error-correction) : disable-fec
Beacon is turned off
Auto-Negotiation is turned on
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Auto-mdix is turned off
Rate mode is dedicated
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
EEE (efficient-ethernet) : n/a
Last link flapped 1d14h
Step-1: Create L2 Interface Policy specifying the Dot1Q port type:

Step-2: Associate this L2 interface policy under the Interface Policy group:

After that, the interface went inactive since it’s not configured in Dot1Q tunnel yet, but we can see that port mode has changed –> “Port mode is qiq-tunnel-edgePort“
leaf1# show interface ethernet 1/17
Ethernet1/17 is down (inactive)
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Port description is leaf101_descr
Hardware: 100/1000/10000/25000/auto Ethernet, address: a03d.6f2e.2f1f (bia a03d.6f2e.2f1f)
MTU 9000 bytes, BW 0 Kbit, DLY 1 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, medium is broadcast
Port mode is qiq-tunnel-edgePort
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s, media type is 10G
FEC (forward-error-correction) : disable-fec
Beacon is turned off
Auto-Negotiation is turned on
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Auto-mdix is turned off
Rate mode is dedicated
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
EEE (efficient-ethernet) : n/a
Last link flapped 00:02:24
II- Tenant Configuration
Associating Ports with dot1Q tunnel
We create Dot1Q Tunnel, from tenant level configuration > Networking > Dot1Q Tunnels and right click “Create Dot1Q-Tunnel”:
- mainly, you need to specify the needed ports EDGE or Core (deepening on design) and associate them to this Tunnel.

III- Verification and Troubleshooting
We can see that a BD VNID was deployed representing the created tunnel and associated to previous added interface:
leaf1# show vlan extended | grep LearnDuty
247 Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty vxlan-14712925 Eth1/17
leaf1# show vlan id 247 extended
VLAN Name Encap Ports
---- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------
247 Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty vxlan-14712925 Eth1/17
leaf1# show system internal epm vlan 247
VLAN ID Type Access Encap Fabric H/W id BD VLAN Endpoint
(Type Value) Encap Count
247 Tenant BD 802.1Q 0 14712925 224 247 2
Code language: PHP (php)
From Managed Object perspective on APIC or on leaf, we can verify the following MOs are created:
apic1# moquery -c fvTnlEpP
Total Objects shown: 1
# fv.TnlEpP
epgPKey : uni/tn-LD/Tnlepg-Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty
accEncap : unknown
bcastP :
bdDefDn :
bdDefStQual : none
bdSegid : 14712925
childAction :
crtrnEnabled : no
ctxDefDn :
ctxDefStQual : none
ctxPcTag : 16386
ctxSeg : 0
ctxSegid : 2818048
deplSt : deployable
descr :
dn : uni/epp/tnlp-[uni/tn-LD/Tnlepg-Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty]
enfPref : hw
epgDn :
epgName : Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty
floodOnEncap : disabled
fwdCtrl : mac-learn-enable
intraSecConf :
l2FDSeg : 0
l3CtxEncap : unknown
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2024-08-11T11:47:02.392+02:00
monPolDn :
name :
nameAlias :
npName :
npNameAlias :
operSt : allocated
ownerKey :
ownerTag :
pcEnfPref : unenforced
pcTag : 32770
pcTagAllocSrc : idmanager
prefGrMemb : exclude
prio : unspecified
qiqL2ProtTunMask : cdp,lldp
rn : tnlp-[uni/tn-LD/Tnlepg-Tunnel_dot1Q_LearnDuty]
scopeId : 2818048
status :
tName :
tnNameAlias :
txId : 2305843009233472726
Code language: PHP (php)
leaf1# moquery -c l2RsPathDomAtt | grep 14712925 -B 3 -A 22
# l2.RsPathDomAtt
tDn : sys/conng/path-[eth1/17]
childAction :
dn : sys/ctx-[vxlan-2818048]/bd-[vxlan-14712925]/rspathDomAtt-[sys/conng/path-[eth1/17]]
forceResolve : yes
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2024-08-11T11:47:02.429+02:00
monPolDn :
operSt : up
operStQual : unspecified
parentSKey : 247
primaryEncap : unknown
qinqCapable : capable
rType : mo
rn : rspathDomAtt-[sys/conng/path-[eth1/17]]
state : formed
stateQual : none
status :
tCl : nwPathEp
tSKey : eth1/17
tType : mo
type : native
vlanmgrCfgFailedBmp :
vlanmgrCfgFailedTs : 00:00:00:00.000
vlanmgrCfgState : 0
Code language: PHP (php)
The physical Interface mode can be verified as well from MO:
leaf1# moquery -c l1.PhysIf -f 'l1.PhysIf.mode== "qiq-tunnel-edgePort"'
Total Objects shown: 1
# l1.PhysIf
id : eth1/17
adminSt : up
autoNeg : on
breakT : nonbroken
bw : 0
childAction :
delay : 1
descr : leaf101_descr
dfeDelayMs : 0
dn : sys/phys-[eth1/17]
dot1qEtherType : 0x8100
emiRetrain : disable
enablePoap : no
ethpmCfgFailedBmp :
ethpmCfgFailedTs : 00:00:00:00.000
ethpmCfgState : 0
fcotChannelNumber : Channel32
fecMode : inherit
inhBw : unspecified
isReflectiveRelayCfgSupported : Supported
layer : Layer2
lcOwn : local
linkDebounce : 100
linkFlapErrorMax : 30
linkFlapErrorSeconds : 420
linkLog : default
mdix : auto
medium : broadcast
modTs : 2024-08-11T11:47:02.429+02:00
mode : qiq-tunnel-edgePort
monPolDn : uni/infra/moninfra-default
mtu : 9000
name :
pathSDescr :
portPhyMediaType : auto
portT : leaf
prioFlowCtrl : auto
reflectiveRelayEn : off
rn : phys-[eth1/17]
routerMac : not-applicable
snmpTrapSt : enable
spanMode : not-a-span-dest
speed : inherit
status :
switchingSt : enabled
trunkLog : default
usage : epg
Code language: PHP (php)
We also need to verify that Interface is UP and has the appropriate QinQ tunnel mode:
leaf1# show interface ethernet 1/17
Ethernet1/17 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Port description is leaf101_descr
Hardware: 100/1000/10000/25000/auto Ethernet, address: a03d.6f2e.2f1f (bia a03d.6f2e.2f1f)
MTU 9000 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 1 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, medium is broadcast
Port mode is qiq-tunnel-edgePort
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s, media type is 10G
FEC (forward-error-correction) : disable-fec
Beacon is turned off
Auto-Negotiation is turned on
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Auto-mdix is turned off
Rate mode is dedicated
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
EEE (efficient-ethernet) : n/a
Last link flapped 00:00:06
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
We can verify ETHPM and ELTMC to verify what actually getting pushed to leaf hardware:
leaf1# show system internal ethpm info interface ethernet 1/17
Admin Config Information:
state(up), mode(dot1q-tunnel), mode_detail(dot1q-tunnel), speed(inherit), duplex(Auto), medium_db(120)
layer(L2), dce-mode(edge), description(leaf101_descr),
auto neg(on), auto mdix(on), beacon(off), num_of_si(0)
medium(broadcast), snmp trap(on), MTU(9000),
flowcontrol rx(off) tx(off), link debounce(100),
span mode(0 - not a span-destination)
delay(1), bw(10000000), rate-mode(dedicated)
eee(n/a), eee_lpi(Aggressive), eee_latency(Variable)
fabricpath enforce (DCE Core)(0)
load interval [1-3]: 30, 300, 0 (sec).
Ethertype 0x8100
Slowdrain Congestion : mode core timeout[0], mode edge [0]
Slowdrain Pause : mode core enabled [n] timeout[0]
Slowdrain Pause : mode edge enabled [n] timeout[0]
Code language: PHP (php)